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Ready to go with room to grow! The Poplar S convertible car seat takes the stress out of moving to the next car seat stage thanks to the patented ClickTight installation and slim SpaceSaver design. This convertible car seat accommodates up to 50 lbs...
The Britax Grow With You ClickTight harness-2-booster car seat grows with your child from toddler to big kid. It's made with a 4-way stretch athleisure fabric for premium style and comfort. Install with confidence, every time. With ClickTight, you know...
Cherish the journey together with the Cypress infant car seat and Alpine base. This rear-facing car seat offers convenience, premium style, and trusted Britax safety, giving you the assurance you need on your first ride home and every drive after. Our...
Cherish the journey together with the Cypress infant car seat and Alpine base. This rear-facing car seat offers convenience, premium style, and trusted Britax safety, giving you the assurance you need on your first ride home and every drive after. Our...
Transform your BOB DUALLIE Stroller into the perfect travel system with the BOB DUALLIE Infant Car Seat Adapter. This accessory allows you to easily connect compatible Britax and BOB Infant Car Seats with BOB DUALLIE Jogging Strollers. It also features...
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