Rachael Moyer, FNP

41.72° N, -86.18° W, 6913 N Main Street, Granger, IN 46530

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About Rachael Rachael Moyer can't imagine doing anything else but taking care of patients. She was first introduced to health care during a summer job at a nursing home when she was 16. "I found that working with people was rewarding, but nurses are the great helpers," she says. The experience proved a stepping stone for Rachael who became the first generation in her father's family to earn a college degree – in nursing. Her insatiable drive to learn new ways to help others motivated her to continue her education toward a master's degree in nursing. "Being the first person in my family with a masters degree was worth the effort to stay the course and achieve my goal." Rachael chose the path as a family nurse practitioner because it allows her to treat patients of all ages and walk with them through lifes challenges like they are family. "I empower individuals to take care of themselves through listening, educating and encouraging them to not give up on themselves," she says. Compassion, respect and a listening ear define Rachael's approach to care. She also is a strong believer in lifelong learning. "I am constantly reading and studying in order to take excellent care of patients and their loved ones," she says. "My job does not end when I go home. It's just starting." In her own words Who is or was the most influential person/role model in your life? My spouse, Mark, who is also a registered nurse. What is your favorite food? I love Indian food. Movie? My Big Fat Greek Wedding. If you could sit down to dinner with anyone (alive or deceased) who would it be and why? Mike Rowe. I appreciate his understanding of the world. In addition to medicine, what are you passionate about? My faith in God and my family. What are your hobbies, interests? I love to cook, bake, garden and can the food from my garden. What is something most people dont know about you? I used to be a gymnast.



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