Frequently Asked Questions

Find the most frequently asked questions below:

01Where can you find cheap used cars to purchase directly from the owner?

The Internet is a reliable source to purchase a used car that falls into your budget and needs. There are many websites where you can find the list of used cars under $500 for sale. However, if you want to buy the cheapest one directly from the owner, then you can undoubtedly opt for Autotrader. It is the most reliable website for purchasing used c

02Is the dealer invoice price the real dealer cost on new cars?

The dealer invoice price is not the real dealer cost on a new car or truck. Dealers get all kinds of cash incentives, rewards and bonuses after new vehicles are sold, which allows them to make huge profits when they sell at the invoice price. There is no way to tell exactly how much extra cash a dealer is getting on a new vehicle, but it's probably